Ogilvy On Advertising

This is a classic book.  One that I’ve consistently kept on my bookshelf through several moves and “dejunking” exercises at my office.

Published in 1985 it’s pretty old, but the principles he outlines are timeless.  Often overlooked and forgotten in modern advertising thought, David Ogilvy’s ideas have proven to be even more effective in todays world because all of the thoughtless puffery promoted for its “creativity” rather than it’s effectiveness.

[endorsement cite=”David Ogilvy” byline=”Ogilvy & Mather Advertising”]If it doesn’t sell – it isn’t creative.[/endorsement]

David Ogilvy was well known for his blunt and often harsh critiques of the advertising industry.

Dane Shakespear

Dane Shakespear helps Residential Treatment Centers, Boarding Schools, and Troubled Teen Programs attract more qualified leads, convert them into paying clients and deliver a better product by doing more of what works and less of chasing shiny objects. Dane works with owners and executives who are tired of relegating the lifeblood of their business – their marketing and sales flow to 3rd party geeks and charlatans.